Handling Assault And Battery Defense For Waynesville And Surrounding Areas
Assault in North Carolina is typically classified as an imminent threat of harm or contact to another person. Physical touching is not required.
An individual could face simple assault, which involves simple threats, or felony assault, which typically involves a deadly weapon.
Depending on the situation, probation or jail time is possible depending on the offense. Often, we see alleged victims falsify charges against you because they want something or to take vengeance because they feel wronged. Let us take your case to trial if needed, do not settle and plead guilty.
Understanding Battery In North Carolina
Unlike assault, a battery charge typically involves physical contact. It is the “unlawful act of physically harming or offensively touching a person.”
For battery, jail time is likely and like assault the length will depend on the offense.
Defense Against Domestic Violence Offenses
In certain instances, assault and battery offenses could be classified as domestic violence if the incident involved individuals with a “personal relationship,” such as spouses, partners, parents and children or individuals who reside together under the same household.
Domestic violence cases often have 48 hour holds – this means that you will not be released with a written promise to appear in court until after 48 hours has elapsed. If you have been charged with Domestic Violence you need a skilled trial attorney to help you. Often we see domestic violence cases overlap with Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPO) which is a civil restraining order based on North Carolina General Statute Chapter 50B. This means that if you have both a domestic violence criminal charge and a DVPO you may have two different cases at once. We can help and have seen it all. Don’t settle and don’t plead guilty until you’ve had a free consultation with us.
Attorneys To Defend Against Your Assault And Battery Charges
At Nielsen Legal, our lawyers have extensive experience handling a wide variety of criminal charges for Waynesville, Asheville, Sylva and surrounding communities, including those involving both misdemeanor and felony assault and battery offenses and domestic violence charges.
Call 828-564-1321 if you are seeking an experienced attorney who will rigorously defend against your charges and mitigate the consequences you could face. You may also contact us online.