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Photo of Joshua Nielsen
Photo of Joshua Nielsen

What you should know about controlled substances

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2025 | Drug Charges

While many drugs can be found in stores, other substances are not as freely accessible. People may need a prescription from a doctor before purchasing medication. However, even some drugs are not accessible to the general public or used in any medical field. 

The accessibility and management of substances is determined by the Controlled Substance Act. The Controlled Substance Act can also have a huge effect on drug possession cases. Here is what you should know: 

What is the Controlled Substance Act?

The Controlled Substance Act is a federal policy enacted in 1970 to regulate the manufacturing, distribution, importation, exportation and use of all chemical substances. These regulations decide whether substances have medical uses, can be safely distributed or have the potential for abuse. To help ensure substances are properly managed, drugs are categorized into schedules. 

What are drug schedules?

Drug schedules categorize substances based on their potential for abuse, scientific knowledge regarding substances, physical or psychological dependency and risk to the public health. There are five total drug schedulesgram.

Schedules III, IV and V substances have the lowest known potential for abuse. These substances can include cough medicine (V), anti-anxieties (IV) and testosterone (III), for example. These substances can be purchased at many stores, acquired with prescriptions and used in medical fields. 

Schedule I and II substances have the highest known potential for abuse. These substances could include cocaine (II) or heroin (I), for example. There are very few if any medical uses for these substances, which means they have the highest regulations. 

What are the punishments for illegally possessing controlled substances?

Drug schedules play an important part in criminal cases. When reviewing the facts of a drug possession case, charges may be applied based on a drug’s schedule. It is important for people facing drug possession charges to be aware of the punishments they may face if convicted. 
