No matter how it happened, getting hit with a domestic violence protective order (also known as a “50B order”) can upend your entire world.
It’s humiliating, frustrating and inconvenient to have your daily actions placed under restrictions. Knowing that you’re subject to arrest and additional charges for any violations can weigh on your mind pretty heavily. With that in mind, it’s smart to avoid the following mistakes:
1. Going back to the family home for a few necessary items
Maybe you left your spare contacts or your laptop behind in the home you share with the alleged victim. The protective order likely bars you from the home until the case is resolved, at a minimum. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can go “pick up a few essentials” when their alleged victim is absent without causing any harm, only to find themselves arrested for violating their 50B orders.
2. Contacting the alleged victim to try to sort out their conflict
You may really feel like all it would take to resolve things is a heartfelt conversation with the other party involved in the situation – but don’t let yourself be tempted. Your protective orders bar you from any contact with the alleged victim outside of the courtroom until further notice, and that includes through methods that you may view as harmless, such as via phone, email or text message. If you violate that rule, you can end up facing new charges, including that of witness intimidation.
3. Expressing your feelings about the situation on social media
Most people live their lives as much online as off, these days – but you need to take a big step back until your legal situation is resolved. Anything you post online is “fair game” for the prosecution, and they can use your expressions of frustration (no matter how justified) to portray you as an inherently angry and violent individual.
If you’ve been accused of domestic violence, avoiding further complications (and charges) should be part of your defense strategy.