Changes in your eyesight can alter your ability to live the life you became accustomed to. You may have to seek new employment, hobbies and find new ways to function daily. Your vision not only makes sense of what you see, but it also aids in your ability to think and move.
An accident can affect your vision in various ways, including damaging parts of the brain involved in perception and processing.
Changes in your ability to move
Vision problems can impact your ability to remain balanced or to move through spaces. The TBI might make it difficult for you to judge where objects are. Your eyes send signals to your brain and help you adjust your movements accordingly. On a straight path, the floor might feel tilted and cause dizziness or an inability to play sports or other recreational activities.
Damage to your ability to see
Often, TBIs affect your ability to see objects close to your face. If you did not have trouble reading before the accident, you could find it difficult to see words or to focus when you look up from a book. Sometimes, printed letters will appear to move. Some common vision problems associated with TBIs include blurred vision, decreased peripheral vision and double vision. If the TBI causes issues with your eye movements, it can become difficult to scan stationary objects or to see objects close to the nose.
Vision loss can become uncomfortable and painful in some instances. You might feel aching behind the eyes or have the sensation of pulling. Often, those with vision problems experience more headaches.