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Photo of Joshua Nielsen
Photo of Joshua Nielsen
Photo of Joshua Nielsen

What are the signs of a traumatic brain injury?

On Behalf of | May 14, 2021 | personal injury

Brain trauma comes in different forms and types of severity. All brain injuries should merit immediate medical attention, but some may pose a larger and more instantaneous threat than others.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) fall into the latter category. You want to know what signs may indicate a TBI, because quick action could save a life in situations of emergency involving head injuries and trauma.

Physical signs of TBIs

Mayo Clinic discusses potential red flags that may point to a TBI. First, note that some symptoms end up shared between TBIs and mild or moderate brain injuries. However, the way they present will always seem more immediately severe in TBIs. The onset often happens faster and the intensity is also high.

You may notice physical issues first, the most obvious of which are consciousness disorders. A victim might black out or pass out. In severe cases, they could immediately become comatose, too. Keep an eye out for clear fluid draining from the ears and nose, too. On top of that, victims may show unevenly dilated pupils or pupils that do not properly react to light.

Do not ignore behavioral changes or complaints

Listen to a victim’s physical complaints. Internal and invisible signs of TBIs may include headaches of increasing severity, tingling in the extremities, numbness in the hands and feet and more. A victim might also experience nausea and vomiting.

Note that the victim’s state of mind can also point toward a TBI while simultaneously making it harder to get them treatment. Victims might suddenly display aggressive, combative behavior and refuse to see a medical professional. They can lash out at loved ones or have mental breakdowns due to their confused state. Understand they are acting out of character and need help getting the proper care.
