We all know you will be arrested if you drive your car with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or greater. We know you will be arrested if you are over the limit and are driving a motorcycle, ATV or boat. But what if you are in control of a bicycle and you are over the...
How can underage drinking affect your child?
North Carolina is strict on underage drinking compared to some states. If your child is charged with underage drinking, you may be wondering what could happen and how might it affect your child’s future. You don’t want one mistake to ruin your child’s future. Here are...
Here’s what college students say about their drinking habits
You'd be hard-pressed to find a North Carolina college campus where zero percent of the student-body drinks alcohol. Even dry campuses report issues that are alcohol or drug-related. In order to better understand alcohol statistics in colleges throughout the nation,...
Underage? Repeat offender? Specific factors may impact DUI charge
Many facets can go into a charge for driving under the influence. Your age, criminal record, actions during the arrest and numerous other factors could impact the type of allegations with which police could potentially charge you. Because of the uncertainty that comes...
Field Sobriety Tests – Driving While Impaired
One of the first things we talk about in consultations with new clients is whether they were given field sobriety tests before the law enforcement officer charged them with Driving While Impaired. What is a Field Sobriety Test and what makes one Standardized? These...