If you are facing assault charges, you need to examine the unique aspects of your case. The penalties for assault vary from one situation to the next, depending on a number of factors (such as the extent of a victim’s injury and whether one used weapons). Moreover, it is important to understand key terms, such as aggravated assault and simple assault. Sometimes, assault cases involve major injuries that threaten one’s life, while other assault cases do not involve any bodily harm whatsoever.
Unfortunately, some people find themselves wrongly accused of assault even though they were trying to protect themselves from an attacker.
A look at simple assault
On their site, the Bureau of Justice Statistics covers the definitions of simple assault and aggravated assault. Simple assault does not involve the use of a weapon. In some instances, simple assault cases involve minor bodily injuries, such as cuts and bruises. In other instances, simple assault cases do not involve any injuries.
Reviewing aggravated assault
If you are facing allegations of aggravated assault, the potential repercussions are more serious. Aggravated assault involves the use of a weapon or the attempt to harm another person with a weapon (even if the victim did not sustain any injuries during the incident). For example, those accused of threatening another person with a weapon such as a gun or a knife are sometimes charged with aggravated assault even if the other party was never attacked.
Sometimes, aggravated assault cases involve serious injuries, such as internal injuries, brain trauma, broken bones and missing teeth. Make sure you understand your rights and options if assault charges have surfaced.