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Photo of Joshua Nielsen
Photo of Joshua Nielsen

What happens if the police catch you driving with a revoked license?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2022 | criminal defense, Traffic Violations

Drivers in North Carolina can have their license revoked or suspended for a variety of reasons. Some drivers continue to drive after this happens.

What happens if they get caught?

Reasons the state may revoke or suspend your license

There are many reasons the state may revoke or suspend your license:

  • Too many points within three years
  • Excessive speeding or too many speeding tickets
  • DUI conviction or refusal to take a chemical test for DUI
  • Vehicular homicide conviction
  • Fleeing the scene of an accident
  • Two reckless or aggressive driving convictions in the same year

Penalties for driving with a revoked or suspended license

If the police catch you while driving with a revoked or suspended license, you may receive a class 1 misdemeanor charge. However, if your revocation or suspension happened because you were driving while intoxicated, you may receive a class 3 misdemeanor charge.

You may receive a fine of up to $200 for either type of misdemeanor. Additionally, you may receive a sentence of one to 10 days in jail for a class 1 misdemeanor or one to 45 days for a class 3. Additionally, the state may lengthen your suspension or revocation by one year for a first offense, two years for a second offense and permanently for a third offense.

Driving with a suspended or revoked license can result in criminal charges and lead to permanent loss of license. This is particularly true for those who have a suspended or revoked license due to impaired driving.
